Belle needs a loving home. She is 5 to 6 years old. She is a very easy dog to care for.
Visiting 2pm to 4pm every day or by appointment outside these hours.
045 522929 and TEXT only 087 626 1412
Added: 18th January 2025
Breed: Frenchie
Age: 5-6
Sex: F
Belle needs a loving home. She is 5 to 6 years old. She is a very easy dog to care for.
Visiting 2pm to 4pm every day or by appointment outside these hours.
045 522929 and TEXT only 087 626 1412
All of our animals are neutered/spayed, fully vaccinated and treated for worms and fleas before they leave for their new home. If you are interested in offering any of our animals their forever home, please contact us on 045-522929 or visit us at the shelter. We are open daily from 2-4pm.
Before considering adopting a dog please ensure you can honestly answer YES to the following: