News & Events

Love the Talt Swan

A Swan Love Story…..  Rescuing Swans is, unfortunately, a very regular occurrence for the volunteers at the Animal Foundation. And given that February brings us the celebration Valentine’s Day, it would only seem right to tell the tale of our Lough Talt...

Love Shani

A love Story for Shani. Shani’s life at the shelter started when a kind person brought her there to be looked after. Shani had been abandoned and locked away as a puppy. At the shelter, Shani shared her space with the lovely David. Despite kindness and care given by...
Hello Dolly!

Hello Dolly!

The Rescue Story of a Courageous Dog and a Brave Volunteer One Thursday afternoon recently, the Animal Foundation received a call from a concerned member of the public about a dog that had been lying at the side of the road near Brownstown, Co. Kildare. The dog was...